

A free invoice PDF generation web app and API

Browser compatibility checker

Browser compatibility

A VSCode extension/ package for frontend code browser compatibility analysis

Volume Controller

Volume Controller

A physical multi-app volume controller using arduino and optimised serial communication

Alt text generator

Alt text generator

A nextJS web-app for auto generating website image alt text

Speech Transcriber

Speech Transcriber

A web-app/library for transcribing speech

Ebay price estimate

Ebay price estmate

A tool to estimate ebay item price using sale history

Auto Heuristic

Auto Heuristic

A tool to automatically generate heuristic rules for a dataset

Voice Cloning App

Voice Cloning app

A Python/Pytorch deep learning app for easily synthesising human voices

Realtime Tracking

Tracking camera

Pan & Tilt servo system using raspberry pi and real-time face tracking

sentiment api

Sentiment API

A simple flask API for extracting and scoring text sentiment

A* Maze solver

Python app for visually demostrating A* Maze solving with custom mazes

image fetcher


Python library for image dataset gathering implementing multithreading

Automated Dog Classifier

Automated Dog Classifier

Machine learning tutorial with keras and flask web app frontend

django app

Django app

Simple Django app with django-rest backend and automated testing

Leapmotion robotic arm

Robotic arm using leap motion and Arduino serial read/writing

JavaFX Interactive Map

JavaFX interactive map

JavaFx virtual browser controlled by Leapmotion

Java Xbox Controller

Java xbox controller

Xbox controller integration for java

Titanic ML Chatbot

ML chatbot

AI chatbot using bot-famework interface and sklearn

stuck overflow

Stuck Overflow

Keras Machine Learning project from Kainos AI Camp hackathon. Uses text analysis to identify key functions from stack overflow answers

TFT Image Streaming

TFT Image Streaming

Simple demo to stream images to an Arduino TFT screen without an SD card

RetroPi arcade

RetroPi arcade

Mini arcade machine using raspberry pi & retropie OS

3d printer

Simple 3D printer

3D printer using majority 3D printed parts and low cost hardware

Omni Board

Omni board

Conceptual electric longboard with pivot mountings to enable snowboard like behaviour on hard ground

Robot Arm

6-axis robot arm

6-axis arm using 3d printed parts and stepper motors